
Movies I've personally watched, reviewed entirely by myself. maybe I'll add a review thing for ya'll, I think I could make that right? I'll figure it out later. Modeled after letterboxd, a reviewing site that I don't have an account for. I figured making my own site like letterboxd is easier than making an account for it. (that was a sarcastic joke) I seriously doubt anybody is going to take these reccomendations but who knows! I like making them and plus its fun to do so whatever. Clicking the covers takes you to watch the trailers for them!

The Accountant

2016 | action

Watched this with my family and we related to a lot of it, they represented autism fairly well. The puzzles were kind of dumb/obvious in my opinion. Overall though it was a fun watch!

American Movie

1999 | Documentary

I found it incredibly motivating, inspiring, and sad all at the same time. I wanna watch Coven sometime. If you like documentaries I think this is one of those must watch things!

In Bruges

2008 | Dark comedy

I think I could add crime as well but I won't ehehe. As most of the comments say on the trailer, the trailer doesn't do In Bruges much justice. It's an immensely funny movie with great actors, the dialogue is written remarkably. It's one of those movies I'd want to see for the first time again if it was possible. It's one of my favorites for a reason.

Boy kills world

2008 | Comedy/Action

Genuinely one of the shittiest movies I've seen in a while. The amount of plot holes should be outlawed. The comedy none existent?? like I mean it TRIED to be funny but it was so god aweful. The action scenes are by far the worst it's just loud sounds, flashing lights, with camerawork that makes you nauseous. There was no need for the amount of gore in it either. It was so bad that we didn't even finish it.

Drop dead fred

1991 | Comedy

Rewatched this recently, the first time I saw it I was much younger but I loved it all the same. It's slightly different now that I'm older but I understood what everything meant when I first watched it anyway. It's a delightful film though a bit childish to me now. I think I used to ship lizzie and fred and was so excited when I watched them kiss LOL.


2007 | Horror

Though the end dragged on a bit I thought this was a delightful movie! The slow ending was to be expected as Steven King movies usually are. This will probably be the only movie that I won't put a trailer to because all of the trailers just show the entire thing. Sometimes it's nice to go into a movie and not know anything about it, so just trust me on this!

The dark knight

2008 | Action/Crime

I could tell they wanted to do something darker than the other batman movies, but I feel that batman was too ridiculous in this. The part where he rode his motercycle up a wall completely took me out of it. I get why it's PG-13 now but I feel they didn't quite understand how they wanted to take it? They made two-face's face very.. realistic (they did some amazing work with that, probably the best two face I've seen yet.) but also had silly parts where batman would do stupid shit like use sonar with his eyes. I wish they could've stuck with either being adult or for children but nevertheless I still think they did a fantastic job.

Withnail & I

1987 | Comedy

Kinda made me feel nervous for some reason. A truely exquisite film, the set dressing was full of life and I was facinated with every room that came into view, the score was somber and fit it so well. I loved that & I's name was never spoken, it added so much to how he was seen as a ..tag along? to Withnail. How withnail would mistreat him and take him for granted. It was quite funny! All around gives you a melancholy pit in your stomach. I'd watch it again.

13 ghosts

2001 | Horror

I hated this movie. I really did. The ONLY reason why I'm giving it two stars is because of Mathew Lillard. I despised the nonstop flashing lights, that got annoying VERY quickly. I don't know if it's because of what time 13 ghosts game from or what but those effects was some of the worst shit ever. The girls acting was atrocious, the effects downright nausating, I could barely understand what was going on half the time, and I'm not entirely sure why it's considered a "classic".


2005 | Comedy/Indie

I don't have much to say about this one other than it was good. It was a suprising to see Ryan Reynolds in such a role.
